Written by Cara Fitzgerald | 14 June 2023

So, you’re selling your property. Whether it’s the home you raised all your children in or the house you bought and renovated to flip, you want to ensure it sells quickly and you get top dollar for it. That’s why it’s important to present your property in the best possible light. This is where staging comes in – preparing and styling your property in a way that makes it more appealing and attracts buyers. Follow these simple tips for staging your property for sale:

Declutter and depersonalise

The first step in staging your property is to declutter and depersonalise it. Remove any excess furniture, decor and personal belongings such as photos, that may distract buyers or make the space feel cluttered. The goal is to create a neutral, spacious environment that allows buyers to imagine themselves living in the home.

Clean and repair

A clean, well-maintained property is more appealing to buyers than one that’s dirty or run-down. Make sure surfaces, floors and windows for example, are thoroughly cleaned and your property is smelling fresh by adding some candles and fragrance diffusers. Be sure to get necessary repairs done, including fixing any leaking taps, replacing broken tiles and repainting scuffed or damaged walls.

Consider the layout

Consider rearranging furniture or removing pieces to create an open, inviting space. For example, placing a large mirror in a small room can make it appear larger and brighter. Similarly, positioning furniture in a way that highlights the flow and functionality of the space and ensures your rooms don’t feel smaller than they are.

Add some life

Adding a few plants or flowers can help bring life and colour to your property. This can be particularly effective in your kitchen and main living spaces, but also your outdoor spaces, such as balconies or gardens. However, be careful not to overdo it – too many plants can create a cluttered look.

Focus on the details

Small details can make a big difference. Make sure that all light fixtures are working, curtains and blinds are properly hung, and carpets are clean and free of stains. Additionally, consider adding some finishing touches, such as fresh towels in the bathroom and some extra cushions and throw blankets on the lounges and beds.

Is staging your property worth it?

Yes, without question! Your efforts will ensure you create a space that showcases your property’s best features and helps buyers see its full potential. Staging your property will maximise its value, attract more buyers and lead to a faster sale.

After staging your property for sale lounge roomAfter staging your property for sale lounge room

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